Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Catching up...

I think it has been a month since my last post.... there are probably a number of reasons why.....
Spent a week in disney and there was no time for blogging,..... have felt pretty rough for the last month.....have taken a nap every Saturday and Sunday for the last month (which is probably time I would usually blog).....the routine of a kindergartener with backpack to check, lunch to pack, homework to do.....a 4 year old boy who makes it difficult for me to sit down and do anything by myself that requires thought.....my husband has had lots of night time actvities (work related!) that have kept me busier at mom duties.....and NOW, I am at home from work sick today....I have been fighting a bad cold, that has turned into a little bronchitis and actually I am on the downhill slide of it, but decided some extra rest today might help me kick it! I am sooooo ready to feel good...I have spent the last 4 weeks in a nauseated, sleepy coma and now that I think that is easing up, I end up on a antibiotic for this junk! Luckily, I was able to catch up on checking out friends blogs and posted a few of my own to keep up with the scrapbook. I hope to get disney picutures uploaded soon!


Samantha said...

Oh no! I hope you get to feeling better!!

Kendra said...

I thought maybe you were in hiding! Hate to hear you've been sick but glad you're feeling better.