Goggle man!
Bo, What can I say...you will always be my special boy...I really think you look and act like me...not exactly the 'rule follower' your daddy and sister are...a little more daring and adventurous. FULL of energy, a collector (like your friend Jonah, I think that's why you guys like each other so much), you always have a toy in your hand and are always seeking out the next one you need to get from walmart. (I do make you earn them!!) you make me laugh and cry all at the same time! you love mcdonald's happy meals for the toy...cheeseburger with apples (mom's choice) and a sprite. You can take your bath by yourself now(with some supervision of course). you love to do "art projects" and you have just gotten into baseball recently. You love your "cool clothes" (athletic shorts and sleeveless shirts). You are a great swimmer. You also whine a lot and like to "wrestle fight" (which keeps you in trouble). you say you want to be a "wrassle fighter when you grow up"....You will spend the night with your grandparents (or anyone else for that matter..) at the mention of it...never fearful of being away from me (you did not get that from me!) But you do like to come home to your momma and I love it when you kiss me...it's the only time you are actually gentle and kiss me so sweet. You love your sisters so much...although you fight with Lane, you can't stand for her to get in trouble or anyone to be mean to her. You kiss "KK" about 50 times a day and hate it when she cries! I pray you will continue to grow to know Jesus as your friend and savior and that you will always know how much I love you! Momma
PS- for the memory...I got paged in Target today because he got "lost"..I was standing at the Starbucks in the front and he was at the front door and someone took him to the service desk before I could get him....that boy is going to give us more gray hairs than we need!