Saturday, October 31, 2009
Trick or Treat!
We got an early start and drove to Munford to Trick or treat Rob's family then headed back to Covington to the Links for Ellie and Boo and to actually get out of the car and walk around and "trick or treat" seems that every year, we spend so much time trying to be sure we go see all the people we need to see (and want to see) that we don't end up with time to actually just go house to house and trick or treat. Well, the Saturday night Halloween was great for us...plenty of time for all of it! We actually rode on Uncle Chad's decorated golf cart through the Links which was a nice treat. We stopped off at the Hensley's for a Peter Pan reunion (and no, Nicole and I did not plan the costumes....actually Bo came home from school about a month ago and said "Jonah's gonna be Peter Pan for Halloween too, and Mary Claire is gonna be Tinkerbell like Lane." I said, "Oh, Bo, I don't think so, he probably just said that because you were talking about your Peter Pan suit!".....but I thought, I'll text Nicole just to be sure....well, Jonah wasn't making it up! Bo had a blast playing with "Captain Hook" and asked Ms. Nicole if he can wear his suit over again for more fighting with Captain Hook!

Sunday, October 25, 2009
Pumpkin Painting
We took the easy way out this year and painted pumkins (as opposed to carving). We carved last year, but the kids couldn't do much excep pull the insides out, and neither of them was too keen on that we just did a little painting this year. Actually, Ellie did it with them! Bo's is a ninja turtle (same as last year!) and Lane's is her own creation! You can see in the background that I was painting some wooden pumpkins for decoration...that's why Ellie was helping them....

Tuesday, October 20, 2009
Catching up...
I think it has been a month since my last post.... there are probably a number of reasons why.....
Spent a week in disney and there was no time for blogging,..... have felt pretty rough for the last month.....have taken a nap every Saturday and Sunday for the last month (which is probably time I would usually blog).....the routine of a kindergartener with backpack to check, lunch to pack, homework to do.....a 4 year old boy who makes it difficult for me to sit down and do anything by myself that requires husband has had lots of night time actvities (work related!) that have kept me busier at mom duties.....and NOW, I am at home from work sick today....I have been fighting a bad cold, that has turned into a little bronchitis and actually I am on the downhill slide of it, but decided some extra rest today might help me kick it! I am sooooo ready to feel good...I have spent the last 4 weeks in a nauseated, sleepy coma and now that I think that is easing up, I end up on a antibiotic for this junk! Luckily, I was able to catch up on checking out friends blogs and posted a few of my own to keep up with the scrapbook. I hope to get disney picutures uploaded soon!
Spent a week in disney and there was no time for blogging,..... have felt pretty rough for the last month.....have taken a nap every Saturday and Sunday for the last month (which is probably time I would usually blog).....the routine of a kindergartener with backpack to check, lunch to pack, homework to do.....a 4 year old boy who makes it difficult for me to sit down and do anything by myself that requires husband has had lots of night time actvities (work related!) that have kept me busier at mom duties.....and NOW, I am at home from work sick today....I have been fighting a bad cold, that has turned into a little bronchitis and actually I am on the downhill slide of it, but decided some extra rest today might help me kick it! I am sooooo ready to feel good...I have spent the last 4 weeks in a nauseated, sleepy coma and now that I think that is easing up, I end up on a antibiotic for this junk! Luckily, I was able to catch up on checking out friends blogs and posted a few of my own to keep up with the scrapbook. I hope to get disney picutures uploaded soon!
Summer and Jamie's Wedding
Our friends Summer and Jamie were married on September 26th and Lane was honored to be their flower girl! Summer kept our kids for a year or so and they really love her....she and Jamie still come and get them occassionally and they always have a great time when they are with them.....their wedding was really pretty out at Mt. Carmel church. My favorite thing was that the sun was setting during the ceremony, so it was getting a little darker in the sanctuary as the ceremony started and such as wonderful ambience, so natural! Here are some pictures.....and by the way, I wish I would have taken video of Bo dancing at the reception.....I am not sure you have seen anything like it...kind of looks like a power ranger who drank 3 red bulls! (Although I think he really does have some rhythm in there somewhere hidden in his bundle of energy!) When we left, the kids said, can we come back to that party next week??? I think it was their first experience at a wedding reception!
Bo's field trip to the pumpkin patch
I went with Bo to the pumpkin patch yesterday (I felt like ......well not too good!) but I was not going to tell him that I was not I put on 3 layers of clothes, grabbed some cough drops and kleenex and loaded that bus headed to the pumpkin patch. It was good ole fashioned fun....corn maze (a muddy one), hay ride, pumpkin pickin, see-saws, swings, and a picnic lunch. But, the best part of the day (according to him and most of the other kids) was this roller thing that the kids could climb up and then sit on a piece of plywood and "roll" down.....he also like climbing on the big hay bails and jumping off. Kids are much easier to entertain than we think!
Why does he have to look so grown up and big??
Walking up the rolling thing....
He was more interested in the lady bug on the pumpkin than the pumpkin itself!
I like this picture because I love his little fingers....they still look like baby hands to me. They are so soft and when he rubs my hair at night when we say prayers in bed, they feel so soft and little. I know that the will be big boy hands soon, but I hope I can remember his sweet little hands forever!
Lane's Zoo field trip
Well, I guess big school is official now....we went on our first field trip! There is no better kindergarten field trip than the was perfect jeans and t-shirt weather....and the zoo was not crowded, so it made for a great day! It was fun to get to see all of her classmates, which I sometimes hear about and put a name with a face. We stayed together as a class and I was in charge of 2 other girls in addition to Lane. They were great kids and I enjoyed getting to know them. It was also nice to see that Lane is blessed with a special teacher too....seeing her natural talent with those kids was so great! (some people are born to be teachers and I was NOT one of them!!) By the way, yes, I got to ride the big cheese with her! Here are a few pictures from our trip.
Miss Lesile's class
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