Saturday, May 15, 2010

May 1, 2010 Flood

Pictures from the terrible flood in May.....We were at home with a new baby, Lane and Bo had Jamboree and ball pictures cancelled....obviously....our power was out for a couple of hours, I had cooked a big breakfast, so we ate in the dark...but this was quite minor compared to the devastation around the area. Millington, Dyersburg, and Nashville were hit the hardest. Several dams broke, the Naval Base was evacuated/underwater, the Opryland hotel was evacuated/flooded up to doorways, downtown Nashville underwater. I remember Rob waking up (well getting up when Kate got up!) several times in the night and saying, "we are getting pounded, I have never heard so much rain" When we finally got up that morning and looked out the window, Hall Road was flooded. Uncle Dolph's store was flooded the worst ever (it has flooded many times in the past!). There were numerous deaths in the state. We may never see this again. ...(I was a blog theif and stole some pics, I wasn't out to take any!)

At the curve in Brighton
4 way stop on East Street

Bride Road

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