A special Mexican birthday dinner compliments of Boo and Ellie.....
I have been thinking a lot lately about how quickly you are growing up. I don't know if it' s because you are turning 6 years old, or I am thinking about the arrival of baby Kate and it brings back memories of you and Bo as babies. I keep thinking about rocking you in your nursery at our old house on Drummonds Rd. when I would sit and rock and think about you growing up (or not wanting you to grow up!). I know that having a little brother 15 months later likely made you grow up too fast, but I really think you were the kind of child that was born a little beyond her years anyway. You have always been very independent, determined, ready to move forward. I love so many things about you.....maybe that's why I love your daddy so much....you are kind of like a little clone of him. You are a rule follower...you do everything by the book, careful to follow all instructions, you like a clean room/house/car, you love to play by yourself, you love art and reading, and most of all....you love to be with me! You make me feel so loved with all the things you make for me and the way you want to be with me all the time (I will have to admit, that comes from me and not your daddy)! You are always thinking of other people and what you can do to make others happy. You are so pretty, your daddy's eyes, little freckles on your nose and long shape and maybe my hair and nose/mouth. Right now, you could not be more excited about your baby sister's anticipated arrival. You count down each week.....one day maybe she will know how much you loved her before she was born. The inscription on the locket that we gave you today is most fitting, "You are so special to our family....Love, Mom and Dad"
Happy 6th Birthday! I love you, Momma