We actually had enough of each other and got out tonight and went to eat and to Walmart....it was tough getting out of the driveway...but a Toyota Sienna makes a pretty good snowmobile! The roads were TERRIBLE...I am sure they will be out of school again on Monday, but I will be back at work.....Have a good rest of your weekend.
Saturday, January 30, 2010
Two days in the Snow....
Here are our snow pictures from the rain/snow/sleet of 2010! It looks like we probably bot 8" or so.....we started day 1 making a big breakfast including monkey bread and cutting up the buiscuts for our chicken and dumplins for dinner....
Then we went out in the cold for some attempts at throwing snowballs, which was very frustrating with this snow....so on to sledding which was much better. We played with our neighbors and even had some 4 wheeler action.

After a face first fall!

Glen and Rob just had to try out the new sleds....see below for the results of their playing!

The result of the daddies on the sled....can you believe Rob is the one that broke it....and not Glen!!
Monday, January 18, 2010
A first of many.....
or so his daddy hopes!! Bo has been begging Rob to take him hunting the last month, but Rob has wanted to wait for just the right conditions....not too cold, a perfect place, not too early in the morning, ect. Well, today was the day...his first squirrel hunt. Rob went hunting this morning and then was going to come get Bo after lunch for an afternoon hunt. Bo walked around the house in carhart bibs, a camo coat and hat, and his boots all morning waiting. As soon as Rob got home, he ran outside and they messed around out there for an hour with the dogs before they left. The bottom picture is Bo locking the dogs in the box (Tarzan, Bo's 10 month old puppy in training & BB, who is in her prime for hunting)...look at his sweet little tongue working as he tried to fasten it! I just talked to them; they are on their way home and killed a limit (10). Rob got his truck stuck, but luckily the friend he was with pulled him out. Sounds like it was an adventure.....

Thursday, January 14, 2010
Christmas pictures 2009
There doesn't get much better than Christmas with a 4 and 5 year old....their innocent thoughts on Jesus's birth, waking up extra early (sometimes before 6 for Bo) to run downstairs and see what tiny toy is in the advent calendar each day, the daily threats of "Santa is watching", making cookies, teaching them about doing something good for others during this season, visiting Santa, school Christmas parties and programs.......and so on. We certainly had a busy season, but somehow it didn't seem too busy to enjoy each other and try to keep the focus on the special season as Christians. It also made it a little special that we got to open some presents for baby Kate too! One of my favorite stories is a Bo one.....Rob had done a lot of threatening of "If the elf tells Santa you were bad, he will just take one of those Ben Ten toys out of your stack and give it to another little boy." Christmas morning, after he had had a chance to play a while, he said, "Well Santa brought me some good toys but not too many. You know I didn't get that little Ben Ten guy, then one in the white suit" I said, "Well, Bo, I never heard you tell Santa you wanted that and you didn't put it in the letter." He said, "I think I know what happened. One of those times I was bad, I think he must have just put that one back and that's why I didn't get it!" Lane spent some time Christmas morning naming the American Girl twins and she came up with "Emma" and "Zach" and they even went to the mall with us in their stroller after Christmas! Here is a mass of pictures for our scrapbook!
Christmas Morning

Look what Santa brought Lane!
Look what Santa brought Bo!

Lane and Ms. Lesile....I am sooo thankful for her!
Lane's kindergarten class
Daddy even dropped by the party!
Nothing like, a chocolate donut, a glazed donut, and donut holes for breakfast.....and a little fruit!
Angels in the church Christmas program
Dance Christmas routine

She doesn't make too stout of a bottom pyramid!

At Bo's school program
Bo's school program...he is on the top row on the left...I really should post the video of this one...he's a charachter! I think I got more waves than any other parent in the audience!
Lane in Ellie's church program....this one took about 2 months of long hard practicing...I was really proud of her!
End result of our Christmas cookies...the best yet, I have to say! And I attribute it to the store bought icing already in the squeeze tubes.

momma's brothers and sisters (with spouses)
Lane and new cousin, Sloane, with the American girl bathtub that Aunt Mary Jo gave her (she has always given the best gifts, wrapped in the prettiest paper).
Hat and coat that Ellie gave Lane
Batman house that Ellie and Boo gave Bo....he loves this thing!
Bo is a proud cousin of a baby boy...he's ready for him to be big enough to play!

That is one pretty girl in the middle of those twins!

Ellie gave the baby this blanket, burp cloth, bib, and diaper.....hmmm...think she wants to nail that name in stone????? It is so beautiful (thanks to some last minute work at the Freckled Frog!

Pops is getting Bo ready with a new goal....look at those ribs!

Uncle Dave gave Bo this transformer suit!

Look what Santa brought Lane!
Lane and Gigi and her new camera....
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